In addition to having fun and setting a high standard of characterization, we are a fighting company! (Woohoo!) You don’t have to be a great fighter to be in the Guard, but you do have to support the Unit. We hold weekly battle practices to increase technical ability and battlefield survival skills. Often this is an open practice and anyone is welcome, regardless of unit, but sometimes we do have Guard-only practices. Just send an email to Miss Informationto check which practices are open to non-Guard.
The Dagorhir National War, Ragnarok, has grown to last more than a week and field over 900 fighters and almost 2000 attendees. The Aratari, the DC-area Dagorhir, plan to make a BIG showing at Ragnarok, and the Guard will be a big part of that. For information on battles in the DC area, see Dagorhir’s schedule of upcoming events.
When: Sundays from noon to 3 p.m
Exceptions: There is no practice on weekends when there is a Dagorhir Aratari event scheduled. Other than that, practice is generally cancelled only due to inclement weather. Check with Miss Information.